8 Tips To Improve EPC Ratings!

how to improve epc rating

Improving your properties EPC rating is really quite easy. The score is determined by how efficiently the property uses energy, and maintains it.

Below i have comprised a short list of 8 actionable things you can do before booking a survey, this will ensure you get a better score!

Don't worry if you can't do them all at once, some simple things you can do yourself and they don't even cost very much.

This has the potential to move your score up that we bit extra, which can make a BIG difference in some cases.

Upgrade Lighting

If your EPC rating is close to the recommended minimum standards, of grade C. Then increasing it slightly won't take that much work.

Switching older bulbs to LED light bulbs – which are eco-friendly and much more energy-efficient, can make all the difference.

Improving your energy efficiency with new LED lights (light-emitting diodes) and replacing old incandescent or halogen light bulbs, is a very cost effective way to boost your EPC score and save money on future electricity bills.

Loft & Cavity Insulation

Installing new insulation is one of the most effective ways to improve the energy efficiency of your property, especially if the current insulation is inadequate.

It is also a more cost-effective option compared to other improvements, making it a popular choice for homeowners & landlords looking to enhance their EPC rating dramatically!

By increasing the thickness of insulation in the loft to at least 270mm, you can significantly reduce heat loss. In fact, a property without insulation can lose up to 33% of its heat through the roof.

Cavity Wall insulation is another effective method for improving energy ratings. This applies to both cavity walls found in modern properties with a gap between two layers of brick, as well as solid walls commonly seen in older properties built before 1920.

The Government always have energy grants and schemes available for low income households, a free way to potentially increase your EPC!

Install Double - Triple Glazing

Investing in the latest heating and insulation technologies won't be effective if you neglect the windows of your property. While wall or loft insulation has more potential to enhance the EPC rating, double glazing significantly reduces heat loss through windows.

Most modern homes are equipped with double glazing. However, older properties often lack this feature, causing them to fall below the minimum energy efficiency rating.

By installing new double glazing, you can improve your property’s EPC rating by approximately five to ten points. The cost is relatively affordable, ranging from £2,000 to £5,000 for a typical terraced property.

While triple glazing is a more drastic measure, it is gaining popularity. It provides even better insulation than double glazing, but it is typically much more expensive and has a minimal impact on improving the EPC rating in comparison to just installing double glazing.

Upgrade Heating System

Heating systems play a vital role in enhancing a property's energy efficiency. An inefficient boiler can significantly reduce a property's EPC rating, while an efficient model has the potential to greatly improve it.

If your boiler is older than 10 years, upgrading to a more modern condensing model could boost your EPC rating by up to 40 points. By achieving this improvement, you can meet the minimum threshold of 39 points required for an EPC rating in one swoop.

Although the cost may range from £1,000 to £6,000, the investment worthwhile considering the potential for saving money offered by this one measure.

Install Underfloor Heating

Installing underfloor heating is a great way of enhancing your EPC rating, given that your property has adequate loft insulation. Underfloor heating systems work at low temperatures, this means they use in less energy, as long as your property holds onto the heat effectively this is great way for more EPC points!

Get A Smartmeter

Getting a smart meter will not directly improve your EPC rating, it does provide you with a better understanding of your property's energy usage.

Smart meters offer insights into the modifications you may need to take to improve your EPC rating. Additionally, they enable you to assess the efficiency of any improvements suggested in this blog that have been carried out.

Invest In Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources like solar photovoltaic (PV) panels or ground-source heat pumps, make for worthwhile investments.

These modifications can be expensive with an intial outlay, but they are worthwhile longterm investments which will save you money on monthly energy costs and can help offset energy price rises.

Government initiatives and the feedback back tariffs offered by energy companies make this a win win for any household.

Speak With Your Power Company

You might be eligible for assistance from your energy provider to make energy-saving improvements to your property through the Energy Company Obligation initiative if your tenants receive certain benefits, such as Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Universal Credit, etc.

For instance, you could receive support for insulation work expenses and boiler replacement or repair costs.

*Main 3 Power Companies N Ireland
Power NI
Budget Energy